Claudia Minicozzi

Claudia Minicozzi’s painting focuses largely on the landscape: the beach communities near Lewes, Delaware; seascapes found on Martha’s Vineyard and Cape Cod; and the boats and cottages punctuating the Maine Coast. Other landscapes capture travel sites and scenes of life in the non-Federal Washington, DC area she calls home. Noted for her loose, sometimes fanciful brushwork and embrace of color, Minicozzi’s paintings are very emotional. Shadows, light, and color are manipulated to convey a rich experience that, loosely representational in style, should be seen as more truthfully evocative of her mood.

Paint Cans Chartreuse, acrylic on canvas, 18 1/4" x 24 1/4", 2010

Val Lewton

“I love the late works. It is not so much that they break new ground (though they do, in certain ways) as that they deliver Lewton’s characteristic qualities in concentrated form—his highly personal choice of subject matter, his distillation of the chosen subject into what for him is its essence, his practiced skill as an improvisatory manipulator of the brush, his combination of realism with underlying abstraction, his distanced intensity. Also, not incidentally, the late works showcase Lewton’s sensitivity and skill as a colorist…”

Benjamin Forgey, 2017 VAL LEWTON: FROM HOLLYWOOD TO BREEZEWOOD exhibition catalogue, American University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center

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